Thursday, October 8, 2009

Staying in the Hospital Longer

Dr. Maher came to see me tonight and told me that he wants me to stay in the hospital longer. He said my protein in my urine was a 2 so its up again and they aren't sure why. It was a 0 the last time. My blood pressure is still a little outta wack but it does better with the meds. He wants to make sure that I'm not retaining too much water so they are gonna monitor my weight every day now. He said he isn't sure if the hypertensive episode or the gall stone caused my pain. He said when my blood pressure went out of wack he thinks it was probably my dysautonomia kicking in but with the blood pressure that high it made my liver swell which could have caused the pain. So they rather me just stay for now for how long we don't know yet. He said the baby is doing great....his heart beat is doing good and he has a reactive strip during the stress test which is a good thing. They are just worried about my health right now. More to come laters!

Ps.....not being able to do anything but sleep, eat and pee stinks! lol But I know its best I'm here in the hospital so I'm not having this go on at home with no one around. Ever since I had that cath put in earlier in my stay...when I sneeze or cough I pee! Not cool! Good thing Ben brought me some pads! The joys of pregnancy! lol

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