Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Gavin's Update for Yesterday...(sorry its late)

Gavin's report for yesterday was great. No apnea and he is tolerating his feeds so well they upped it to 6.5 mils per hour. I was able to hold him for over an hour which I LOVED! The nurse wouldn't let us share the holding time today (different nurse) so poor Ben only got to watch. He said I was hoggin the baby already. lol He gets to hold him today though and hopefully we will get that really nice nurse that lets us both hold him. They say that some of the younger nurses don't realize that thats YOUR baby in there so its tough at times. She wouldn't let us bath him either because she believes its either holding or bathing for one day. He had a little knitted yellow hat on to keep his little head warm while I was holding him. He looked soooo cute! He just curled up in my bra and slept and slept the whole time. He was all comfy and warm. We asked the nurse when he would be going into the stage 2 room and she said he basically is in the stage 2 room because he is off the o2 and IVs but he still needs to pack on some weight.....they have to be over 3lbs to get into the other room...where there are cradles and open isolettes....they are open to room air and wear clothes over there. Its the last room they are in before they come home. So basically he is doing fine medically we are just waiting for him to pack on the lbs and ozs and for him to start nipple feedings which will probably be around 34 weeks. He is sucking on his soothie pretty good now and has the beginnings of the rooting reflex....he is also trys to suck when he is sleeping which is super cute. Come on Gavy....get some meat on that little bony butt! He has no butt btw....Ben says its just a hole at the bottom of his back....poor baby needs some insulation.


Aunt Emmy said...

Is that the hat that mom ordered? Did you get those clothes yet? He's so cute and you look really good in the pictures!! I'm so glad he's doing well. Hopefully he will be home for Thanksgiving or sooner when we get back up there.
Love ya!!

Jessie said...

No the hat in the pic is one that was donated to the hospital. I want to make him a hat and booties though...have to find a pattern for him. Yeah I hope he is home in time for Thanksgiving...he just has to gain weight and I think he just might be! I hope so cause I want everyone to get to meet him. Love ya too! Hugs!

Jessie said...

The preemie clothes that mom ordered haven't come to the house yet. They should have though maybe tomorrow or later today we will get one. But he won't need them till he gets home...they provide clothing at the hospital when they go into that stage 2 room that has been donated.