Friday, October 16, 2009

Our little Baby

Today was one of our best days so far. I was able to hold Gavin for the first time and Ben gave Gavin his first bath by us and his first poopie diaper change! And yes we have pics!!!! Gavin is doing great! He was just moved to a room between the 3rd stage (most intensive) and the 2nd stage room. There were 4-5 babies admitted to the NICU since last night and about that same number due tonight so they had to make room for the new babies and Gavin is doing so well he was able to be in the next step down room. YAY! The nurse said he might be in the stage 2 room tomorrow.

Ben was an awesome daddy today. He gave Gavin a bath and did it like a pro. I was so proud that he was so at ease with it like he has been doing it all his life. They only use soap on Sundays and wed. because preemies skin is so delicate so he just got a warm water wipe down. When he got down to the diaper we found our first little surprise. He had pooped just for his daddy to clean. :-) He has such a tiny hiney! It was so cute even with poopies on it. hahaha After he was all cleaned up he was weighed and was a whopping 1200 kgs (2lbs 10oz) He gained 2 ozs! YAY! They are feeding him strictly my breast milk now 3 mils every 3 hours and will be increasing it soon.

I was able to kangaroo hold him today. He was placed inside my shirt between my boobs to keep him nice and warm. He fit just right inside my bra.....was soooo cute. It really made me feel like a mommy now that I was able to hold him. I was able to hold him for 15 minutes. We get to hold him twice a day or once a day and give him a bath once a day. I'm really glad they are letting us do more with him. Its hard just to sit there and watch him sleep without holding him or interacting with him more than just a stroke of his body.
We had an appt. with ssi today and found out that Gavin qualifies for social security income and medicaid as long as he is in the hospital. Ben makes too much money for him to continue after he is discharged but at least his stay all these weeks will be paid for so thats a relief. I was also told by the social worker that march of dimes might have some resources to share with us also. is what ya'll have been waiting of Gavin!
Gavin Drake Switzer


GeekByMarriage said...

Oh wow! I can't wait to get my hands on him! He's a hairy monkey! Kyle still has a fuzzy back from being early.

Aunt Emmy said...

Yeah!! He's so sweet!! If you get a chance, figure out how to change the date on the camera. He is very fuzzy, Elmer Fuzz instead of Fudd. Okay, sorry!

Jessie said...

Hahahahahaha! Elmer Fuzz! Too funny! Yeah he is our little hairy monkey....takes after dad's side of the family although he has the blonde body hair instead of black. hahahaha! Can't wait for these videos to load so you can see him in action. I can't stop watching them...but I must go pump!