Monday, April 27, 2009


Today I had my blood drawn for the first time of this pregnancy. I'm use to getting poked and prodded with all my heath issues but this was the funniest blood visit yet. I was sitting there watching the nurse filling up her 5th vile of my blood and in the background I hear a mans voice...all I heard was him saying he was afraid of needles and then a loud girly scream. The nurse taking my blood looked at me and we both busted out laughing. The man heard us I guess cause when I was walking out the lab door he was behind me and he says..."it really did hurt" with this pouty look on his face. I just smiled and are such whimps! Good thing I'm having this baby and not Ben.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

New Possible Names

Here are some new names we have been thinking about.....

For a girl:






For a boy:






Ben Practicing Being a Daddy!


Love and Licks

Cuddling the Big Baby

Ben taking on the daddy role. hahahaha Sasha is such a big baby...she loves her cuddles! And Gidget is the other baby in the family. She loves being cuddled too but has takin a liking to peek-a-boo. I wonder how the dogs are going to handle a new baby in the house. Elle Vira and Bella probably won't even notice the new addition but I think Gidget will want her spot in my arms back. lol Sasha loves kids and is so gentle with them so I know she will welcome home our new baby with open paws like she did Bella. She still thinks Bella is her baby. :-)

Feeling like a Hormonal Teenager Minus the Energy

Zits! Zits! & More Zits! Will my face ever clear up? I thought when you are pregnant you are supposed to have a glow.....all I have are zits! Never really had a big problem with them when I was younger so feeling like I'm going through my second puberty. Is there anything I can use to minimize this unflattering red glow that won't harm the baby? As if gaining weight isn't bad enough!

Starting to get a little snug in the pants and shirts! Hello boobs! Thats about the only positive of the weight gain. I'll have to go shopping soon for maternity clothes. I don't think I'll be doing the belly pics just yet if at all but can definately feel that bloated full feeling. That feeling never goes away and I heard its just gonna get worse.

My roots are getting longer! I have heard from different people giving conflicting info on coloring your hair during pregnancy. Some say don't do it and then others say that the organic kind won't hurt the baby. I haven't colored my hair in months and it shows! I totally don't remember my hair being that dark. But I have been coloring my hair since middle school. I'm not gonna color my hair while I'm pregos but want to know what ya think on the subject. Does coloring your hair hurt the baby while your pregnant?

Thursday, April 23, 2009

What I'm feeling so far....

So far I think I have been lucky (knock on wood)....I haven't had the number one sign of pregnancy....nausea until two nights ago. Smells are making me a little nauseous now but I haven't thrown up, yay! I'm also having:

sore breasts,
taste changes,
leg cramps,
weakness in my hands,
fast heart rate,
some tremors in my hands and sometimes my eyes feel like they are shaking back and forth,
gas gas and more gas.....from both ends lol poor Ben,
temperature changes...
I'm mostly hot but when I try to cool down I get very cold,
and my cravings include salads and I use to want corned beef sandwiches but that has gone away.

Some of those symptoms I think are from my dysautonomia. Right now the only medicines I'm taking are Syntroid for my hypothyroid which is needed for the health of the baby and pregnancy vitamins and a developmental pill for the baby.

I'm excited for my next doctors visit cause we will be able to see the heart beat and hopefully a little alien baby! I'll have another pic of the baby to post also!

The next day will be the visit with the other high risk doctor that heads up the high risk pregnancy center. I'm wondering what his visit will entail.....if he is wanting an ultrasound also.
My mother says that ultrasounds are bad for the baby's developing ears and they could have hearing loss.
Has anyone else heard of this? I have looked up some articles about ultrasounds and from what I have seen they aren't sure what negative effects if any they have on the baby but they say if its not necessary don't do it. What do ya'll think about this?

Well the laptop is making me super hot so I have to wrap this up! More to come soon!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Baby's 1st ultrasound

My first doctors appt. was today at 2pm. I never knew that having a baby was so much paper work! I felt like I was taking the SATs again. I thought I would never get done fill out everything....even put Ben to work filling out some for me. lol I had the dreaded pap smear but was followed by an internal ultrasound.....which hello was weird since they didn't have any non latex condoms to put on the stick so she had to use a non latex GLOVE! Yes the nurse gave me the middle finger up my hoo hoo! Talk about uncomfy with my hubby watching. lol That is one experience I won't forget. When the nurse left to go look for a latex condom before the ultrasound Ben said....Condom?!?!?! What does she need a condom for! lmao.....hahahahahaha was too funny the face he made. He was also flipping out cause that was as close to his first and only pap smear he has ever had. lmao He says now I know why women don't like those and he said he was glad he never has to have one! hahahahahahaahhaha

As you can see there isn't much to see yet. Just the yolk sac and a little pea. The nurse says that we will be able to see more of the baby and the heart beat on the next visit which is in 2 weeks.....5/4/09. The nurse said I'm approx. 5 weeks and 6 days preggers according to the ultrasound give or take a few days. She also said I need to eat more than I do and drink 4-6 glasses of milk a day! After all the pregnancies my friends and family have had, drinking that much milk was never mentioned....

Did I mention I hate drinking milk? lol If I can't chug all those glasses down the nurse said I can take calcium tablets. I thought I was eating more than usual but now I have to eat like 3 meals a day plus snacks between meals. Hoping I don't get too huge! I'll be seeing the obgyn that I chose but also have to see another high risk pregnancy doctor because of my dysautonomia. They haven't had patients pregnant with dysautonomia so kinda worried....I might try and see if I can find an obgyn with experience with this disorder....I'm going to talk to my specialist about it.

At the end of my visit I received a huge goodie bag full of free stuff.....lots of magazines, formula that expires before my due date which is December 15, 2009 lol, lots of sample packs of the prenatal vitamin and a developmental pill, dates for childbirth classes and mommy and me classes, and some other stuff I can't remember right now. Anyways....this was an experience we won't forget!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Baby Names

Yesterday Ben and I were going over baby names and we have come up with some....thought I would share....

For a girl: Amellia Lynn Switzer (Millie)

For a boy: Harrison Drake Switzer (Harris)

If you think of any baby names post them!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

First Outfit

This is the outfit I got for ben's easter basket. lol He really liked big hugs for it. :-)

First Doctor Appt.

I just set up an appt for my first doctors appt. It is set for April 20th next Monday. I'll be seeing a nurse for my first visit. Wondering if this is normal not seeing the doctor on my first "doctors visit" lol What were your experienes with first doctor visits?


Here are the pg tests that I took on the 9th of April around 1am. The top one is the first one I took and the bottom was taken a few hours later. After I saw the results Ben came out of the bedroom and I led him to the bathroom to show him the test. We are both very excited!

Monday, April 13, 2009

I'm going to be an aunt...AGAIN!

I made this blog for my brother Ben and his wife Jessie so they can keep the families up to date on all the baby happenings. An online baby journal for Jessie to document all the changes good and bad that she's going through.

Best of luck you guys!

Aunt Heather