Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Lots of Baby Pictures!!!!!!

The pictures are in order by weeks.

12 Weeks

The top pic is of the baby's hand and head and the bottom pic is the face and belly.

18 Weeks

The top pic is his leg & foot and the bottom pic is of the baby's back (spine) and head. Look at that little neck! Makes me want to hold him already!

These are both profile pics of the baby....you can see from head to toe. I love how he has his little legs up in there like he is walking up his little sac. Look at his chubby cheeks!!! Gotta love it!

Both these pics are of the baby's legs that are crossed at the ankles like he is chillaxing in the womb.

These two pics show between the legs which don't show any boy parts yet. The arrows are pointing to the area.

20 Weeks

This pic of the baby holding his face. He is looking at us.....you can see his eyes nose and mouth.

This is a really good side view of the baby's face when you enlarge the image....you can see the eye, ear, nose and mouth.

This is another profile pic but you can see the baby has his hand behind his head like he is lounging around.

...And Finally little boy part pics!!!!

The arrow is pointing to his little turtle between his legs.

This pic shows his hiney and his little turtle.

Tree for the Baby's Room

Here is something we are thinking about doing on the wall. I saw it on Make Room for Baby and thought it was a cute idea.

Baby Bedding

This is the baby bedding we have picked out. I usually don't like characters or animals but these are drawn differently and we like the little stickers of the animals you can put up on the wall.

Its a BOY!!!!

We went to my doctor appt. today and found out that we are having a BOY!!! At first his little legs were together but after some poking and prodding he spread them and POW a little turtle popped out. Everyone is calling him Elmer already....poor baby. hahaha

The tech measured and looked over all his organs and everything is growing great. He still has the little hole in his heart but they said that it will close up after he is born (a week or 2 after) when he starts breathing in oxygen. He was very active today and it took a few for the tech to lock down on the heart to get a heart rate.....our little wiggle worm. He has a little Buddha belly thats almost the size of his head! We have pics of his face and his little turtle poking out and hope to put them up soon.

We aren't sure of his name just yet. We liked Drake but his cousin is named Jake and we are thinking it might get confusing when we all get together. I just found out today that Ben bought that crib a few ago as a surprise for me. :-) It should be coming in soon. Now that we know its a boy we can start picking up stuff here and there! We are gonna have a son! YAY!!!!!

Monday, July 27, 2009

The Baby's Crib

This is the baby's crib....it has a nice scrolly decor on the head board but its hard to see in this picture.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Half Way There!

Well we are almost 20 weeks (5 months)!!! Half way there! I'm feeling the baby moving every day now. It still makes me sit there waiting for more with a huge smile on my face when I feel him/her move. The baby is super active at night. I'm hoping that when the baby is born it will be more active during the day and less sleepless nights. Tuesday is another big doctor appt. Hopefully we will find out for sure if the baby is a girl or boy.

You know your belly is getting bigger when your panties won't stay up! I'm gonna have to buy new ones soon. Its not a pretty site having to fish out a belly wedgie! The worst is when you are somewhere important and you start to feel your panties rolling down your belly and your hoping no one is noticing how uncomfortable you are or fighting that uncontrollable need to pull them back up. Bigger granny panties here I come!

Another crazy thing happening is the electrical storm going on in my breasts. There are tinges of pain radiating throughout my boobs! They are so sore all the time and getting huge!

We are about to buy a crib for the baby's room. Decorating the nursery is gonna be a lot of fun. We have a rocking chair already...we just need a cover for it. We have an idea idea for the bedding also and I'll put it up after we know for sure what the baby is gonna be.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Dr. Appointment Update

Today was another long doctor appt. We had a very long ultrasound and a very long wait.....over 3 hours. The tech went over the whole baby from head to toe looking at all the organs and making sure the baby was growing properly. We received 17 ultrasound pics this time. I lost half a pound this time so in all I have gained 2.5 lbs this pregnancy.

At first the baby's legs were crossed at its ankles which was really cute to see the baby relaxing through all the poking and prodding on my belly. At one point during the ultrasound its little hand was on its chin and then both hands were resting on its little belly. Of course the big focus for us was to find out if it was a boy or a girl so we kept bugging the tech to look between the legs. She said there are no boy parts poking out and she thinks its a girl but she said she was going to leave it up to the other doctors office at my next ultrasound to say for sure on record if its a girl or a boy. My other ultrasound is on the 28th at 7am so maybe they will confirm the sex then officially.

Doctor Maher said that the baby was growing normally. There is a little hole in the heart but he said it should close up before its born. The baby is 8 oz now and has long legs. I'm not able to put up the ultrasound pics yet but will try to get them scanned soon. My next appt. with Dr. Maher is August 11th at 10:45am (in 4 weeks).

Friday, July 10, 2009

Papaw's Nickname for Baby

I saw my grandfather and grandmother the other day up in Georgia with my mom, my sister and her daughter. Papaw and Memaw looked so good and we were all so happy to see each other. I told Memaw that I was pregnant and she said "aaawwww really? I didn't know you were married." Hahahaha It was too funny. Papaw introduced the new baby to his friends and coined the baby's first nickname. He nicknamed the baby Elmer if its a boy. hahahahahaha We all got a good laugh from it. Ever since then my mom and sister keep calling the baby Elmer. Sorry baby I didn't do it!

I'm just beginning to show now. I have my baby bump going on. The baby moves a lot when I eat sour cream and onion potato chips so either he/she loves it or hates it. I just received my first bouts of heart burn thanks to split pea soup and pizza. My next appt. is coming up on the 14th and we are crossing our fingers and hoping we will be able to find out if our little Elmer is a boy or a girl. I'll be 18 weeks! It seems like it has taken forever to get this far and there are soooooo many more weeks to go.