Thursday, March 10, 2011

It's GAVIN!!!

I know its been forever since I updated but its finally here!  Gavin is making us laugh everyday.  He does funny and sweet things all the time and yes he has tantrums now.  lol  He is now 17 months and 21 lbs.  He is running all over the place now and his favorite things are his squeaky shoes, lids for just about anything, and his little doggies Elle Vira, Gidget, and Bella.  He also loves opening the door to our bedroom and running in there like he just won the lottery.  He does things on command now (well when he wants to do them) touches his head, ears, mouth and eyes when asked where they are and pants when asked what a dog says, meows when asked what a cat says and moos for a cow.  He loves songs and dances throwing his arms up in the air and running all over the livingroom.  He loves Mickey Mouse Club House songs and show, Imagination Movers concert, and his papa's ring tone on his phone.  He loves riding his tricycle which is in the house....good thing we have wood floors!  He will hop on it himself and push himself with his feet backwards and forwards.  He also will scoot his way over to us when he wants to be pushed around.  He tries to get out of trouble by working his eyes and giving kisses.  He doesn't say too much more than he has been....Hi, thats good, thank you, and I know I'm leaving some other words out.  He started saying ut oh when he falls down or something falls on the floor.  He has been waking up later which is great for me since Ben isn't able to work from home anymore....around 7ish and takes 1-2 naps (one in the morning and one in the afternoon). 
He spent a week at his Nana and Papa's house and had a great time.  They said he was a good little boy and no trouble at all.  When we picked him up he was eating lunch and I don't think he realized we were there.  He looked at us like who are you and then he smiled and hugged and hugged us.  Ben and I felt like we were dating again during the little break....we went shopping, out to dinner a couples of times and to a movie. 
Here are some pics I have been taking in the past few days.  Enjoy!

Ben pushing Gavin around the driveway on his tricycle.  He loves to ride his tricycle and being pulled around in his wagon.  He climbs in and out of his wagon and gets on and off his tricycle all by himself.  My big boy!
Gavin giving his Daddy a birthday noogie.  Boys will be boys!
Gavin gave his daddy a present for his birthday....himself.  He wanted in the bag so bad so Ben put him in it and he was content....stayed in there for a good while.  hahaha  He is so funny.
Gavin getting ready for bed....I was taking pictures of him in the dark so it made him look even whiter than he is.  After he has his bath and milk he likes to stand up on the couch and see how long he can stand up without touching the back.  Of course I'm usually sitting right next to him and Ben on the other side.  Don't worry Grandparents!!!  When he does it he has the biggest smile on his face and giggles.  He is starting to bounce a little too. 
His big smile of accomplishment.  Hahahahahaha!
Peek a BOO!
We were singing Head Shoulders Knees and Toes.  He slaps his hands on his head so hard cause he gets so excited.
Looks like he is practicing his air guitar for his up coming visit with his Papa.
He claps and says yay to just about anything.