Saturday, March 27, 2010

My Little Thumb Sucker!

The other night Gavin slept all night....from 9-10pm till 8am. I was sooooo happy! I should have savored that night because he hasn't done it since! He woke up at 4:30am this morning and is still up! He has been trying to suck his thumb for a while now and has finally managed to get it in his mouth for more than a second. He has disowned his pacifiers even though I keep trying to give them to him in place of his thumb. He met his cousins Libby and Jase the other day. She helped me get him ready to go to the church my mom caters for so everyone could meet the baby they prayed for so many months ago when he was in the NICU. Seems soooo long ago doesn't it? I'm so grateful he is happy and healthy now!

Here is Gavin finding his thumb!
Momma and Papa think its soooo cute but I'm like get that thumb outta that mouth! lol

Gavin snuggling up with his giraffe in his bassinet.

Libby holding her new cousin.

Libby changing Gavin....she said its been so long that she almost forgot how.

Dad was rocking Gavin to sleep and wound up putting himself to sleep also. Too cute!

Freddy talking to Gavin.

Gavin says, "My my Freddy what big hands you have!"

Gavin talking to his soon to be uncle.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Meeting New Friends

Here are some pics of Gavin pushing up while on his tummy, Gavin playing with Momma and Papa, and his first visit with the Caswells. Had to show Gavin's daddy his new tricks.....We love and miss ya!

Yeah I know this pic is too light but I loved his little face in it. He was raising his head for tummy time and pushing up on his forearms.
You can really see him pushing up in this pic.....he is doing so much better on his tummy these days but doesn't like to be on it for too long.

Baby Push Ups!

Gavin was loving feeling all over Papa's head. He was just a smiling.

Katie wanted a pic of Gavin in these overalls so here it is Katie! I can't help but laugh at his face in this one.....looks like he is gonna maul someone!

Papa just got home from work and was playing with Gavin.

Momma had just gave Gavin a little tiger toy and he was cuddling up with it.

Krista, her mother Dolly, and her kids came over for a visit and here is Tyler holding Gavin for the first time. Tyler was a pro....he has gone through 5 other baby siblings and is about to have another.

Krista was making Gavin dance back and forth barely touching the floor it was sooooo funny...if I can ever remember my youtube account I'll put the video up.

Here is Krista's little girl Taya.....she is a cutie!

Monday, March 22, 2010


Today...March 22, 2010 Gavin found his feetsies! I had him sitting up on my chest facing me and he looked down at his feet puzzled, touched his toes, and just started playing with them. It was soooo cute! He is growing up too fast! All his newborn clothes are getting too small so I'm gonna have to go out and get him some 0-3months clothing. He holds his head up with control and looks around. He is a lookie lou! He doesn't want to just lay in your arms he wants to sit up and see whats going on around him. He follows everyone passing him and is trying to stuff everything he can get his hands on in his mouth.....we think he might be teething....he is a slobberpoo. He is holding his head up longer and pushing up while on his tummy....this is something new because usually he screams bloody murder if you put him on his tummy. He loves playing with his toys and has just discovered the show called Yo Gabba Gabba. If you turn it on his total attention goes to the tv and while sitting up on my knee his little feet and arms are just a going. He loves the dance scenes and music but isn't into the cartoons or the drawings they do....I fast forward through those parts....I'm gonna miss the dvr here at mom's house. Gavin talked to his daddy on the phone today. My mom said he recognized Ben's voice and was smiling so big. He misses his daddy soooo much. I think we are staying down here for Easter and Ben is coming so we are all gonna have a great time! I still have to find Gavin a cute Easter outfit and will for sure be posting the pics. Stay tuned!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Meeting the Family con't....

Here are more pics that wouldn't fit in one post. I assure ya there will be more!

Those cousins of mine wore me out! Mommy is very grateful!

The magic sleeping machine did its job! You can just lay him down in it and push it a few times with his little musical giraffe playing and poof......he is asleep!

He loves his little green musical frog!

Katie and Jake loved holding and taking care of their new cousin!

Gavin has been slobbering and trying to chew on everything....Nickie was holding him letting him chew on her finger wrapped up in his burping cloth. Of course we have teething rings but he loves him some cloth fingers.

Nickie feeding Gavin for the first time!

Katie and Jake diapering and clothing their cousin. They had so much fun!

Gavin all wrapped up in his towel after his bath. He is such a cutie pie!

Bath time! He loves bath time and that warm water scooped up over his lil buddah belly.

The Sacrifice! Hahaha They were giving Gavin a bath in my mom's deep sinks out in her other kitchen and I couldn't help but laugh and tell them it looked like they were doing some ritual sacrifice with them gathered around him like that and him on the butcher block table.

Nickie rubbing him down like a roast for some Gavin Stew!

Katie and Jake playing with Gavin.

Gavin Meeting the Family

Gavin and I went down south to my mom and dad's house so I can recover from gallbladder surgery. On the way down we stopped at Sebring for a visit with my Papaw, Uncle, Aunts, and my sister Mendy and her family. It was a ton of fun and Papaw was cracking us up with some of his old magic tricks. When we arrived at momma and papa's house the next day my sister Nickie and her family came over for a visit. Everyone enjoyed meeting Gavin and we had a great time. Here are some pics of the family meeting Gavin for the first time!

Katie feeding Gavin....I had just put make-up on her isn't she purdy!

Jake feeding Gavin

Jake and Katie were changing Gavin for the first time...they took turns changing his diaper and changing his outfits the night they stayed over. They love their little cousin!

Judy Ann couldn't wait to get her hands on Gavin.....she was making him smile and smile!

Papaw, Bailey, and Gavin

Gavin sleeping holding his little hands together.

This was taken at Olive Garden....Gavin's first official trip to a restaurant. He did crying until we got in the car..whew!

Katie holding Gavin for the first time....she was getting over a cold so she had to wear a mask.

Jake holding Gavin for the first time!

Nickie holding Gavin for the first time!

Jake couldn't wait to hold Gavin!

Nickie, Freddy (Nickie's fiance), Katie, and Jake sit around their new cousin/nephew.

Jake seeing Gavin for the first time...he had just walked in the door.

Papa holding Gavin when we finally arrived to their house.

Gavin smiled big for Aunt Emmy while she cooed and made funny faces at him.

Papaw holding his great grandson for the first time!

Mendy and Bay changing a pee pee diaper!

This was Bailey's first time holding a baby......she did a great job!

Mendy, Gene (Mendy's hubby), my mom, Bailey, & Gavin

Bailey holding Gavin for the first time! His face in this pic cracks me up!

Mendy holding and feeding Gavin for the first time!

Uncle Ray, Judy Ann, & Gavin