Monday, August 23, 2010


Gavin is getting teeth!!!!! Tonight I was rockin him to sleep and he grabbed my finger and bit it. I was like what it that...took me a few to realize he is popping out some teeth on the bottom. YAY!!!! I thought he would never get them!

Funny Face

I have been trying and trying to get Gavin's goofy smile on camera and I finally did! I love it when he smiles like this and looks up at me. Just wanna kiss him up!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Break Down!

Today we experienced our first car breakdown with Gavin. I thought it was gonna be craziness but he was actually really good. We were out to pick up something to eat which we thought was gonna be really quick & cheap and it ended up taking hours & costing 90 bucks for a new battery. Luckily a man, his wife and grandson helped us or we probably would still be sitting there. Gavin was great the whole time. I got him out of his car seat and he played with the car keys in my lap and was a happy camper. Good thing he didn't need his diaper changed or we would have been in trouble! I didn't bring anything with us not even my purse. Thank goodness it had been raining earlier and it wasn't as hot as it had been outside. After Gavin was fed and bathed I was rocking him to sleep and was kissing him and for the first time he kissed me back. My heart melted! I was putty in his little hands after that. I think I rocked him a little longer tonight than I have been. It was great.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Gavin Dozing Off During Lunch

Gavin didn't have a nap this morning and was super cranky and tired but ready for lunch. I was feeding him spaghetti and he started dozing off to sleep. It was too funny! Here are the videos....

Videos of Gavin 10 Months Old

Here are some videos of Gavin we took yesterday. There are some of him crawling on his knees for the first time, hitting switches on his toy for the first time, playing in a box, and playing with his daddy. ENJOY!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What Did Daddy Do To My Hair?

Tonight after Gavin's bath Ben gave Gavin a make over...he gave Gavin a faux hawk! Hahahhaha It was so cute I had to share it!

Who Cares About Toys When You Have a Box!

Gavin loved playing with his diaper box. I tried to get him to crawl for the camera and he wouldn't until I put out an empty box. Was too funny. He is crawling on his knees now, pulling up to stand, and wanting us to hold his hand and walk him all over. He is growing up soooo fast!

Gavin in the box.


Ben was flipping him over his head and he loved it...all smiles and laughs.

Gavin loves his baseball rocker his Nana and Papa got for him.

Look mom no hands!

Big smiles and no teeth yet! His favorite thing to say now is Gae gae gae over and over again...its so cute how he says it.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Play Time Before Swimming

Gavin was soooo cute posing for pics the day we went to my dad's eye check up and to Aunt Judy's house. Before we went swimming he was playing on the floor and when he saw the camera he started posing....leaning back and putting his hand on his hip. lol He even did this in the pool on a float. Cracked me up so had to share....trying to get the float pics but they were taken on a phone.

Gavin update.....Gavin is growing and growing! Seemed like he got heavier over night. He is starting to out grow of his clothes and we upped the size of his diapers because he was leaking in the middle of the night. Now the diapers are too big and he is still leaking....we even changed brands....blah! Gavin loves when we put our feet up on the coffee tables and let him walk between them. His new thing instead of walking from the couch to the table he turns in circles and every time he faces us he will squeal and laugh. He also like sliding his legs apart almost in a straddle and then pulls back up on his feet. He does something new all the time now. He picks up his little puffs with his fingers, holds his bottle when he wants spoiled, army man crawls pulling his body with his arms, and is eating more and more regular food. If he sees you drinking out of a glass he makes these crazy growling noises to let ya know he wants some and if you don't hear him he will move his lips to your glass for a sip. When he eats he lets us know if we are not shoveling it in fast enough with growling or shrieking. He absolutely loves being tickled when its time for a nap or bedtime....his facial expressions when I do it is sooooo funny...his lips quiver. He is still getting up in the middle of the night but there are those rare nights when he sleeps all the way through. The other night he woke every hour. Gavin hasn't popped out any teeth yet and his new smile reminds me of a little old man...he roles his lips inward and smiles. Hope to get a good pic of it one day. Here are the pics from the other day...enjoy!