Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Break Time!

Gavin and I were working on his strengthening and neck control and then I laid him down on his tummy for some tummy time and he totally passed out. I must have worked him hard. He usually screams bloody murder during tummy time.

Sleepy Time

Yeah that lasted a whole 10 minutes. lol But its a start to falling asleep on his own....yay!

Rollie Pollie

Working Hard for Mommy!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Gavins Doctor Visit

Gavin went to see his doctor and he now weighs 10lbs 11oz and is 22 inches long. He recieved 3 shots and an oral vaccine. He definately doesn't like shots. The doctor says he is doing great for a preemie.....developmentally he is around 4 months +. Because of when he should have been born he should be around 2 months developmentally so he is doing excellent. She does want him to be examined by some therapists because he was a preemie and he has a tendency to keep his head to the right. She said that its common and they tend to grow out of it and doesn't think he will be picked up by therapy. I have been working with his neck and back strengthening everyday and I can see it paying off. Enjoy the pics! The blue outfit is what he wore to his doctor appt.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Gavin's Stay at Aunt Judy's House

Here are some pics of Gavin's stay at Aunt Judy's house. He had a great time with his cousins (Jenna, Paige, and Lauren), aunt and uncle. The last few pics are of Gavin at home. We bought him those overalls for valentines day. He is too cute in them!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Working Out!

My Red & Blue Boy

He is winking! lol

Yeah I know his shorts are big on him but they are 0-3s. He is still a cutie pie!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Gavin Talking

Tooty Fruity

First Trip to Nana and Papa's House

Gavin and I are visiting his Nana and Papa in Mississippi. We are having a good ole' time. He is loving all the attention and kisses they have been giving him. The first night here Gavin wanted to show them he is more than sugar and spice and everything nice. He was fussy and didn't sleep all night. Nana had taken the night shifts and I'm so grateful for it. Thank you Nana!!! It was the first time in a long time that I could go to sleep at night and wake up in the morning. Big (Gavin's Great Grandmother) came over and held him for the first time. He was such a wiggle wort she quickly passed him off to Nana before I could get a pic but I'm hoping she will come back so I can snap one! Gavin is moving all over the place these days. He moves his head back and forth so much he is loosing his hair in the back. He loves listening to the sound of his own voice and makes all kinds of cute noises. Nana can just rub his little cheek when he starts to squirm before he wakes and it puts him right back to sleep. We will be here a few more days so I'm sure I'll have some more pics to put up soon.

I love this one...looks like he is saying hang ten dude!

This is his zoolander look! lol