Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Play Play Play!

Here are some pics I took in the past couple of days. Gavin loves his little blue elephant his cousin Katie bought for him. He wanted to eat it! Ben was making Gavin laugh after just waking up from a nap. Makes ya just want to gobble him up!

Monday, April 26, 2010

First Taste of Baby Food

Gavin tasted baby food for the first time today (4/26/10). He made the craziest face but Ben wasn't fast enough to get it. It was apple sauce so it wasn't anything crazy new yet. He gets apple juice in his cereal but I think the texture threw him for a loop. He ate almost all of it but was sleepy so began to fuss at the end. There are also some pics of him the other night after his bath. He wasn't ready to go to sleep so got some shots of him playing with his toys. Enjoy!

I love his smile!

Lunch time!

Not in my ear Mommy!

Nap time! Snuggling with Daddy and Elle Vira.

Num num num!

Can you see one of my teefies trying to break through?

I love this face he is making....he makes the funniest faces!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Teething Time!

Here is my little green goblin stuffing everything in his mouth he could possibly get his hands on. I felt a tooth wanting to come in on his bottom gums. He drools and drools and drools all over him, his clothes, me, his daddy, anything that comes in contact with him and everything goes into his mouth. Along with all this cuteness comes sleepless nights, bottles he doesn't want to drink, a little fever and a whole lotta temper! But he is just too squishy, cute and lovable even when he is screaming his little head off. I love my little boy!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Outside with Gavin in April

Yesterday we took Gavin and the dogs outside to take some pics and play with the girls. The azaleas are blooming all around the yard along with the popcorn tree and some other flowers. The pollen from the oak trees is taking over the yard. We had to give the dogs baths when we came in because the were rough housing and got it all over themselves. Here are the pics!

Bella and Hally

Daddy and Gavin

Elle Vira was playing with the basketball. It was soo funny. Its about as big as her and she was tearing it up.

Gavin standing on the toad stool on one of the oak trees in the front yard.

Gavin making a face at Ben.....Why are you making me stand on fungus? lol

Ben had to have some pics of Gavin that didn't contain flowers. Its a man thing!

Gavin posing in front of the popcorn tree.


Gavin hiding behind the willow tree out by the pond.

Ben was getting a work out toting Gavin and holding him for poses.

The azaleas are in bloom all around the yard. They are sooo pretty!