Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter 2011

We had a great Easter this year.  The Easter Bunny came and left Gavin lots of goodies!  Nana and Papa came over...we ate, had a egg hunt and relaxed.  Gavin is 18 months and is climbing everything in his path!  One day we thought he was playing nice in his room.  Ben went in there to check on him and he was up on his changing table covered with desitin.  He had it all over his face, body, table, walls....was a mess but we couldn't help but laugh.  Time to child proof the drawers he used as a ladder.  He is 22lbs and growing!  He is constantly doing crazy things to make up laugh.  His Nana and Papa took him back to MS with them for a week or so.  Last night we kept thinking we heard him but then remembered he wasn't here.  Sooooo quiet without our little booger.  Here are some pics from Easter!

Gavin's Easter Goodies!
 In the morning Ben got Gavin when he woke and I had the camera ready.  He walked out of his room and had the biggest smile on his face and ran down the hall towards me.  Its soooo nice to see that smiling face in the morning.   
Big Smiles!

 He went straight for the eggs....there was candy all over the floor when he was done.
 Little chick.

 He kept the bunny ears on long enough for the pic.  Ben had them on his head for longer!  lol
 Gavin loves his books!
 This is one of the first things he does when he wakes up...he finds his shoes and usually brings them to me to put them on for him. 

 Gavin loved his hide and seek bunny!
 Gavin and his daddy.
 He loves when Ben jumps while he is up on his shoulders.

 Gavin is a climber!  Climbing all over the place!

 He likes to slap tables....and then he will grab my hand to slap it too....he is so funny.
 Gavin rocking in his rocking chair!  Gotta love it!
 Egg hunting with Papa and Daddy!

 Gavin and his Papa.
 He really got into it when he knew what to do.

 Everytime he picked an egg up he would inspect it and try to open it. 

 Can you tell the eggs had candy in them?  Little vaccums eatting it up!

 Love it when he squats down to pick the eggs up. 

 He finally held his basket...then wanted someone else to take it.  He has to have his hands free to explore!

Nana, Papa, and Gavin....was nice sitting out on the porch, rocking in the rocking chair, talking, and watching Gavin play.