Thursday, May 28, 2009

Texas Toast Regrets

Today was the worst nausea day so far...and the culpret was texas toast! Yesterday after eating a piece I thought it was just a fluke that I wanted to grab ahold of a toilet and weep. So what do I do today? Eat ANOTHER PIECE! (Slaps head) I had to sleep the nausea feel away. I now know for sure that I won't be eating texas toast again during this pregnancy.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Oh Baby

Yay!!! I finally had some much wanted cheese doodles and they were everything I hoped they would be! I found out I can not eat chicken in any form......just typing that made me sick. And I dare not type, say, or hear the beverage that ryhmes with silk. BLAH! My mom kept saying that word yesterday and I barely made it out of that conversation without puking.

I can't believe I'm near the end of my first trimester! I can't wait for the next ultrasound...get to see an actual baby with with arms and legs and no tail! I'm supposed to have two doctor appts next week but think I'm gonna see if I can have the other one a little later so the ultrasounds won't be so close together.

I find it is very hard to sleep at night and I can't get comfy. I'm also peeing a ton now. In fact...I have to pee right now!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

I want.....DOODLES!

I really wish I had some cheese doodles right now! Enough said...

Friday, May 22, 2009

Sagittarius Baby

(November 22- December 21)

Element: Fire

Ruling planets: Jupiter

Symbol: The Archer

Stone: Turquoise

Life Pursuit: To live the good life

Vibration: Overly expressive - frequent burnouts

Sagittarian's Secret Desire: To make a difference in the world

About the Sagittarius Baby

That happy-go-lucky child in the play circle is bound to be a Sagittarius. These carefree tykes march to their own drummer, and yes, they will walk early! They'll also be beating a path to everywhere, since they love to explore. Independent and free-spirited, it's imperative that the Sagittarius baby have lots of room to roam. Confined spaces are a disaster for these wandering souls, so they'll simply flail about until they can get out. The good news in all this is that the Sag baby won't have to be entertained every second of the day. That said, be sure to keep tabs on them in public places, as they could easily wander away! Above all, the Sag baby loves to explore, whether it's a new toy or a new friend. No fear here! This kid is a sponge, soaking it all up with relish. Thankfully, this child will know how to make friends and can be counted on to have lots of them. They love being part of a group, whether it's at home or out in the big, brave world. And it's that world they want to see, which may be why it's so easy for this baby to hit the road. Whether by train, plane, or the high seas, the Sag baby will travel better than the rest. To sum up, the Sagittarius baby needs freedom, has a curious mind, and is forever on a journey of discovery. Happy trails!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Still Blah!

I'm still feeling the same things......




-sleepless nights

-brain fog

-no motivation to clean



Fun Fun Fun stuff! We are still looking at baby furniture and getting more excited as my belly grows. I'm craving fruits and salads still. Just started wanting hot dogs but haven't had one yet so don't know if it will make me nauseous or not. Several times I have craved something but can't eat it. Ben likes to torture me watching Bizarre Foods with that crazy bald guy. Every episode makes me sick with the crazy things he eats. Blah! I can feel my last meal coming up in my throat.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Nausea BLAH!

Today was the first day that I have had nausea pretty much all day. No throwing up yet thank goodness! I'm really good at talking myself through it so I don't throw up but there were several times I thought I was gonna loose it.

The first time I got nauseous today was after eating some of my yummy b-day cake that Ben gets me every is usually super yummy! I just felt like it wasn't gonna stay down....even had to take a nap to calm my tummy. Then we went to the movies and it struck me again when we were leaving. I knew we were going to dinner afterwards and just thinking about my favorite Thai place was making me nauseous. We ended up having to get take out cause I didn't think I would make it through dinner there. Poor Ben was hungry too!

He has been great through this up for me, getting me water in the middle of the night when I wake up from wicked dreams, stopping at the store on his way home to give me my craving fixes. What a great husband I have.....picking out the cashew nuts out of cashew chicken for me, making sure there is no tofu in my coconut soup, picking only the chicken out of the Thai chicken salad avoiding the millions of onions they put in it, making sure my cheese wantons don't touch anything wet in my take out box so they don't get soggy. He is the bestest! lol

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Baby Bedding

Here is the bedding set that we have been thinking about if the baby is a girl. Love the light pink and brown together. We haven't decided on a crib yet but have been looking for baby furniture.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

3rd Ultrasound HD

Today was my first doctors visit with my 2nd high risk pregnancy doctor (Dr. Maher). I had to pee in a cup again....I think I'm gonna be a pro cup peer at the end of this pregnancy. Then lots of paper work and the usual b/p, heart rate, and weight check.
Then I went into the ultrasound room....very fancy looking! I had another internal ultrasound done by an ultrasound tech this time....and she looked at my ovaries, bladder, and the baby. I was able to see the heart beat again but this time I got to hear it which was unexpected. It was so loud and I heard the swish swish sound finally! Ben missed a cool dr. appt this time....he had to work.
The first pic is the heart beat. The heart is where the bracketed area is in the center of the baby. The baby's heart beat was 141 beats per minute. The baby is positioned in the center of the uterus just a little to the right. The tech said that my uterus was slightly tilted. She said that the baby is right on schedule. They are going by my LMP (last menstral period) and that the due date will be Dec. 15, 2009. I told her about the other ultrasound perdicting Dec. 20th and she said that they only go by the lmp and so will Dr. Tucker.
The second pic is the baby being measured. The baby is 15.8 mm long. The third pic is a close up of the baby. You can see a round shape to the right....thats the yolk sac.....they say its the baby's halo cause its right above its head. :-) Then you can see the head and the bottom of the still has a tail and the tech pointed out the arm and leg buds but its hard to see in the pic. My little sea monkey!
After the ultrasound I was taken to a meeting room where I saw Dr. Maher. He is very nice and was descriptive while answering my questions. He said that the medicines I took before I knew I was pregnant most likely won't affect the baby because I stopped taking them early...there was only one medicine I was taking that would affect the baby which was a vaso-constrictor...but he said the baby shouldn't have any side effects from it. He went over my hyperincilemia and hypothyroid problems as well as my dysautonomia. He seemed very knowledgeable with my conditions which was a relief.
He said that we are going to try for a vaginal birth until there are signs that we can't such as b/p problems, low fetal heart rate, or not dilating in time. He also said that they are going to give me an epidural early in labor because with dysautonomia pain is hard to control (I totally agreed about pain being uncontrollable since I spent a week in the hospital for an in and out surgery for my leg that was broken in three places).
Dr. Maher said that the baby looked good and is developing normally. He did say that I'll probably have some bleeding because he saw a high concentration of viscosity (blood) at the bottom of the sac. He told me this so I wouldn't freak out if I have bleeding and to call Dr. Tucker when or if this happens.
That was my big day at the doctors office....I was so excited to hear the heart beat! It makes the pregnancy more realistic since there isn't much to see yet in the ultrasounds. I also got to see the baby squirm when the tech pushed the wand farther inside which was super cool! My next visit with Dr. Maher is in four weeks...June 2 at 10:15.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Baby's 2nd Ultrasound!

Here is the ultrasound from today's doctor's visit. The nurse said that I'm 7 weeks and one day pg. So my due date is now Dec. 20, 2009. A Christmas baby! The baby is in the right hand side of the pic where the two x marks are. Its hard to see because she did the internal with a glove again (no latex free condoms). She said you can see the baby better with a condom.
We saw the baby's heart beat today! It was a fluttering! Ben and I were both very happy and relieved to see it. Tomorrow I go and see my other high risk pregnancy doctor. The nurse said that he is going to give me a high definition ultrasound and I'll be able to see the baby better and the heart beat.
The nurse said that all my blood work came out fine and that they don't have to increase my synthroid yet. I'm B+ so she said that the Rh- factor thing won't be a problem. She also said that I am immuned to toxoplasmosis so that was a relief. In 4 weeks I get to see Dr. Tucker my primary high risk pg doctor for the first time.