Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Dr. Appt. Update

At this doctor's visit we didn't get an ultrasound. So no news yet on if the baby is a girl or boy. The doctor's office moved and is now in a bigger building so they can have more patients at one time. So this time we had to wait wait wait till way after the actually appt. time to get a room. Then we had to wait wait wait for the nurse to come in and check the heart beat for a few seconds and then that was it. I couldn't believe we were there that long and we hardly got to hear the heart beat. As soon as she found the heart beat it was over. :-( We have another appt. at that office July 28th at 9am with Debbie the nurse again and we have an ultrasound scheduled with a US tech. I haven't met Dr. Tucker yet so I'm thinking I want Dr. Maher to deliver the baby. The next appt with Dr. Maher is July 14th at 1:15.

I'm still feeling nausea all the time and now I'm getting more and more dizzy everyday. But for the past several nights I have been sleeping at a normal time. These days I have been craving philly cheese steaks, fruit, and thai food. My belly is poking out a little more and I'm still having to pee every 5 mins. I have noticed my nails are growing like crazy and are the longest they have ever been. Yay!

Monday, June 15, 2009


Last night I was on the couch watching tv and I started to feel little rolls/waves inside me. Then all of a sudden I feel a huge poke! The baby kicked me for the first time and it was so amazing. I was so excited I almost woke Ben up to tell him. Everyone says that the movements feel like gas in the beginning but I totally disagree. It feels like a little baby rolling around inside me and the kick felt just like a kick. I thought I wouldn't be able to feel it until 18 weeks and know it was the baby making that feeling but when it happened I knew exactly what it was....my little baby.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

My next Appointment

My next appointment for the baby is June 22 at 11am. We hope to be able to learn the sex of the baby then if he/she cooperates! We are so excited!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Nausea Nausea Go Away!

The nausea is not going away!!! I had asked the doctor when it would stop and he said from 12-18 weeks.....has anyone else been nauseous for this long? I'm hoping that it will go away before 18 weeks. I can't go outside without getting nauseous....I can smell Sasha's poo from a month ago. Heck I can't even stand the smell of my own poo! hahaha It doesn't smell like roses anymore! I never knew your poo smell changes....yes I'm going there. It smells like baby poo...I'm not kidding either! No one ever tells you this.

I get very bad headaches that last for days and can not seem to sleep at night. Its hard to clean cause I have to take lots of breaks or I get dizzy and nauseous. Don't even ask what our house looks like.

We are very excited about the baby and went looking for baby cribs last weekend. There is only one place here in town that has cribs on display and they were super expensive. We are going to go to Mobile, AL to look there and hope that we can find one thats affordable that we both like.

This pregnancy seems to be going in slow motion. I can't wait to find out the sex of the baby so we can get the nursery ready. We are hoping that we will find out next week if the baby cooperates. Ben and I both think its a girl...we will see soon!

I'm pretty sure we know the name of the baby...

Girl - Amelia Lynn Switzer and we would call her Mia

Boy - Drake Harrison Switzer and we would call him Drake

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Response to Comment...

GeekByMarriage said...
Make with the pics already!!! I wanna see my niece/nephew! I can't believe they are gonna be able to tell the sex so early!

In response…

I know! I was shocked...I knew you can see the sex of the baby around 16-20 weeks and sometimes can be seen as early as 14 weeks but asked her anyways and she shocked us by saying the sooner than the later. She seemed very sure about it also which excited me. But I don't go back to that doctor till July. So not sure if the other doctor will be able to see the sex with their equipment. The ultrasound that they have used in the past isn't as good as the HD one they have at Dr. Maher’s office. I know that they have a 3/4 D ultrasound at Dr. Tuckers office but doubt they will use it just so I can see the sex of the baby early but I'm gonna beg and plead!

The camera keeps cutting off when I try to take pics of the US. I have changed the batteries and everything so will probably have to have them scanned somewhere. The ultrasound tech didn't take pics when we first saw the baby which would have given us great pics of the whole baby kicking the legs and arms. She instead went to my ovaries and measured them which seemed to take forever. When she got back to the baby it had moved so the pics are just close ups of the face and one hand. I was like aw poo but I'm sure we will get some more at the other dr. visit and hopefully (crosses fingers) pics of the baby’s hoo hoo!

The pic of the face you can see the skull of the face and the brain split into two hemispheres. You can see the eyes also and its little chin. The hand pic you can see the bones in the hand and the little fingers and thumb. I wish they still put the US on video. I just can't get over how much it was moving this early in the pregnancy. I thought maybe it would bring a hand to the face but never thought that it would be doing a little jig inside me. I know for sure when we saw the baby moving all over the place that it was one of the best moments of my life.

I have felt a couple of flutters where the baby is positioned but according to some web boards in response to people who say they feel the baby in the earlier weeks, they say its too early to feel the baby. I have only felt it a few times but really think it’s the baby and not gas since I wasn’t gassy or having tummy issues at the time. It amazes me that I haven’t felt it more since its moving so much inside me. But I know I’ll feel more than just flutters as the baby gets bigger. Every week gets more and more exciting.

Baby News

Today we went to the doctors appt. We had another ultrasound and the baby was so active. Its little arms and legs were moving so much...it was amazing...we both got teary eyed. We couldn't believe how active the baby was....waving its hands and legs all over the place (very long arms and legs). The baby held its hands and put its hands up to its mouth....it was too cute. The heart beat is 150 bpm and from head to hiney the baby is 2 inches. I have only gained 3 lbs so far during this pregnancy. The ultrasound tech said that we should be able to see if the baby is a girl or a boy in 2 weeks. The doctor said that that I have two veracosities...two enlarged veins one close to the cervix right under where the baby attached and another on the other side of the baby. He said that they haven't gotten any bigger since the last ultrasound and I haven't bled any so they shouldn't cause any problems. We have ultrasound pics of the baby's face and of its arm....but the camera isn't working right now so I'll have to post them later. The next appt to this doctor is July 14th at 1:15pm. I was supposed to have another appt with my other doctor this week but Dr. Maher said to schedule it for next week or so...I'm gonna see if I can make it for 2 weeks so we can see what the sex is...sooner than July. We shall see!