Monday, March 22, 2010


Today...March 22, 2010 Gavin found his feetsies! I had him sitting up on my chest facing me and he looked down at his feet puzzled, touched his toes, and just started playing with them. It was soooo cute! He is growing up too fast! All his newborn clothes are getting too small so I'm gonna have to go out and get him some 0-3months clothing. He holds his head up with control and looks around. He is a lookie lou! He doesn't want to just lay in your arms he wants to sit up and see whats going on around him. He follows everyone passing him and is trying to stuff everything he can get his hands on in his mouth.....we think he might be teething....he is a slobberpoo. He is holding his head up longer and pushing up while on his tummy....this is something new because usually he screams bloody murder if you put him on his tummy. He loves playing with his toys and has just discovered the show called Yo Gabba Gabba. If you turn it on his total attention goes to the tv and while sitting up on my knee his little feet and arms are just a going. He loves the dance scenes and music but isn't into the cartoons or the drawings they do....I fast forward through those parts....I'm gonna miss the dvr here at mom's house. Gavin talked to his daddy on the phone today. My mom said he recognized Ben's voice and was smiling so big. He misses his daddy soooo much. I think we are staying down here for Easter and Ben is coming so we are all gonna have a great time! I still have to find Gavin a cute Easter outfit and will for sure be posting the pics. Stay tuned!

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