Sunday, April 26, 2009

Ben Practicing Being a Daddy!


Love and Licks

Cuddling the Big Baby

Ben taking on the daddy role. hahahaha Sasha is such a big baby...she loves her cuddles! And Gidget is the other baby in the family. She loves being cuddled too but has takin a liking to peek-a-boo. I wonder how the dogs are going to handle a new baby in the house. Elle Vira and Bella probably won't even notice the new addition but I think Gidget will want her spot in my arms back. lol Sasha loves kids and is so gentle with them so I know she will welcome home our new baby with open paws like she did Bella. She still thinks Bella is her baby. :-)


GeekByMarriage said...

I'll be buying a saddle as a shower gift. That dogs freakin' huge!

Jessie said...

Hahahaha She is truely a big baby...She is over 100lbs and over 32 inchs from the floor to the top of her back...I haven't had her weighed or measured in a while. She is one yr old and still growing but I hope not too much more. You should see her and Ben wrestle and put her in different positions...She just takes it with no fight. So glad he has her now to wrestle with especially since I'm with child now.