Thursday, April 23, 2009

What I'm feeling so far....

So far I think I have been lucky (knock on wood)....I haven't had the number one sign of pregnancy....nausea until two nights ago. Smells are making me a little nauseous now but I haven't thrown up, yay! I'm also having:

sore breasts,
taste changes,
leg cramps,
weakness in my hands,
fast heart rate,
some tremors in my hands and sometimes my eyes feel like they are shaking back and forth,
gas gas and more gas.....from both ends lol poor Ben,
temperature changes...
I'm mostly hot but when I try to cool down I get very cold,
and my cravings include salads and I use to want corned beef sandwiches but that has gone away.

Some of those symptoms I think are from my dysautonomia. Right now the only medicines I'm taking are Syntroid for my hypothyroid which is needed for the health of the baby and pregnancy vitamins and a developmental pill for the baby.

I'm excited for my next doctors visit cause we will be able to see the heart beat and hopefully a little alien baby! I'll have another pic of the baby to post also!

The next day will be the visit with the other high risk doctor that heads up the high risk pregnancy center. I'm wondering what his visit will entail.....if he is wanting an ultrasound also.
My mother says that ultrasounds are bad for the baby's developing ears and they could have hearing loss.
Has anyone else heard of this? I have looked up some articles about ultrasounds and from what I have seen they aren't sure what negative effects if any they have on the baby but they say if its not necessary don't do it. What do ya'll think about this?

Well the laptop is making me super hot so I have to wrap this up! More to come soon!


GeekByMarriage said...

Having them done every few weeks won't cause any damage. Having them done everyday might. After your first trimester they probably will go to the regular U/S schedule they have for all pregnant women. Since you have your condition they may do it more since not much research has been done. I've looked at the studies and the only one that said it might be harmful was a study done on pregnant rats.

GeekByMarriage said...

What doctors are warning about are the "spa ultrasounds" not done by doctors but a lab or just anyone with an U/S machine. It cuts into their profit margin.

Lori Lavender Luz said...

Your baby-gaga caption is funny!

Jessie said...

Thankies my sis in law Heather found it for me.