Friday, October 2, 2009

Doctor Update

Well....had another doctor's appt. today with Dr. Maher. Seems like he always has bad news to tell me. The baby is smaller than he would like him to be. He weighs 2lbs 6 oz right now and he should be weighing over 3 lbs. He said there hasn't been that much growth since the last time they measured him.

The fluid around the baby is lower than it was last time. There was protein in my urine and my blood pressure was high. So he said it might be a sign of preeclampsia or it could just be my dysautonomia and a bladder infection. I had to get labs done on my blood and urine after the appt. to see if the protein is from a bladder infection or signs of preeclampsia. I never would have thought I would be praying for a bladder infection! hahaha

He said that the blood flow in the cord going to the baby is fine right now so the IVs must have worked. I see him again in a week so he can see how the cord is doing, check my blood pressure and the fluid around the baby.

He talked about the possibility of having to take the baby early if I did have preeclampsia that there would be a 90% chance of his survival. He said that if there were no complications he would have to stay in the hospital of 3-4months and if there were then it would be 4-5 months. He said right now the baby's heart rate is fine and he is moving a lot so they wouldn't take him unless they really have to.

Dr. Maher also said that they might have to put a pic line or port in me so I could keep getting the IVs that I'll be needing through the rest of the pregnancy (so my veins don't close up). I'm just gonna have to keep on resting and drinking lots of water and pray he stays in me for as long as he can.

Today he has been moving soooooo much. During the ultrasound it was really cool seeing him move and feeling it at the same time. The ultrasound tech said he was being stubborn again twisting and turning away from the camera every time she tried to get a good look at this or that.

Good thing about all this is I get to see the baby just about every week so far. :-) I have lots of ultrasound pics I need to get scanned and posted. The time before last we got pictures of his lips poked out like he was kissing the camera. Our baby has Angelina Jolie LIPS! hahahaha! This time I got a pic of his face showing his chubby cheeks and a pic of his foot which is 2 inches long right now. I haven't seen any hair yet so maybe all my heart burn isn't paying off.

He is positioned head up and feet down on my bladder. Sorry Ben for getting up a million times at night and going to the bathroom. Its your son's fault! He really loves this position and hasn't really flipped in a few weeks. I definitely know when he flips....feels like my belly is on a roller coaster....its the craziest feeling.

Well right now we wait and see how things turn out next week. Hope all this is just my crazy dysautonomia and not preeclampsia. Crosses fingers!


GeekByMarriage said...

Talk to your doctor at the next visit about corticosteroid (steroid) shots to help Elmer's lungs mature quicker since there is no telling when they might have to deliver if you do have Pre-E.

Never thought we'd all be hoping for a bladder infection.

Mr. Gavin Drake,
Let's shoot for staying inside mommy until at least 32 weeks. I will give you any toy you desire if you hang in there until 34 weeks. Quit being stubborn like your daddy and giving us all sleepless nights! I love you, little man. Hang in there like a monkey up a tree!

Your Sister From Another Mother said...

All pregnancies are different so I think since its your first pregnancy and you have a disorder that your body is just trying to adjust. Of course doctors have to cover their butts by telling you all the what if's and different scenerios but it doesnt mean they will actually do them. I say as long as the baby is moving and has a strong heartbeat they will wait to take him until after 36 to 37 weeks when his lungs are mature. We are all praying for you and Elmer (sorry had to lol). Try not to worry (I know its hard not to) but you know they say when you stress so does he. Love ya!!

Thomas & Amber Ryan said...

hang in there, Elmer Gavin Drake Switzer! get all the rest you can jessie, we are praying you and E stay healthy!

Aunt Emmy said...

I think you should add the initial E. to Gavin Drake's name in honor or Papaw. It would be so unique.
You just think positive and pray, all will be well. Maybe something can be worked out that I can come up and stay with you for a bit. We will see. Like YSFADM said, all pregnancies are different and as long as he's moving around he's going to be fine. The worst you can do is worry so watch funny movies all the time okay! Picture a healthy baby boy with Angelina lips everyday and the universe will open up to your wishes. (I watched The Secret again!). Much love!! xxoo

Jessie said...

Thanks everyone for all your prayers and support! Not sure about the E...Elmer thing lol but it would be nice to honor papaw. We shall see!