Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Our Visit with Our Baby Today

Today we went to see Gavin for the first time since Ben and I left the hospital. It was really sad going home without him yesterday knowing he is going to be in the NICU for up to 6 weeks or so. I try to just think of it like he is still in my tummy not ready to come out because if everything went like it should have he would still be in my belly for 10 weeks give or take.

They took his c-pap off and now he just has O2 in his nose. We could actually see his face today and he is too cute. His little nose wasn't all squished up and he has little folds in his ears like Bens. He was wearing his little white diaper, white hat, and white glasses baking under his tanning bed. He is getting darker and darker every time we see him....he is gonna be as dark as his Papa who works out in the cane fields before long.

They might not put a pic line in because he is doing so well they don't want to put it in and risk infection or other complications. They did have to put an IV in his head today to get a better vein for fluids and blood drawing. They are going to check his labs again tomorrow (they do it everyday) to see if his bilirubin levels are low enough to take him off the lights. Once thats managed we can start holding him skin to skin if he keeps up his O2 levels. We keep thinking maybe this will be the day we can hold him and it seems he is getting stronger and stronger every time we visit so hopefully it will be soon.

His feedings are being handled differently now....instead of doing scheduled feedings 4 mils every 3 hours they are continuously giving him food. His tube had slipped down farther in his belly cause he is a wiggle worm in his incubator and there was green bile in in the syringe that lets out the excess air. They fixed the tube and are watching to see if that was the cause of the bile.


GeekByMarriage said...

Dang! I meant to warn you about the IV in the head part. I warned mom but forgot to give you guys a heads up. Sounds like you handled it way better than I did when I walked in to see Kyle with one. I freaked because no one told me and no one was there to explain, I thought they had put a shunt in for cranial pressure.

YAY for no CPAP or pic line!!! Sounds like he's one feisty fighter. May you hold you baby close soon and be baptized in his urine! Don't think it won't will...Oh, yes, it will. And you will love it!

Jessie said...

Hahaha! Baptized in urine! Yeah have to remember to point it down and not up while diapering. Yeah being in the medical field and working with kids with all kinds of problems really prepared me for everything I am seeing. Kinda just sucks when you know more about all the bad stuff that can go wrong but I just try not to think of that and focus on his little improvements. They warned us about cranial bleeds/strokes that can happen the last time we were there and I knew it was a possibility but don't like them saying it outloud. :-) But he is gonna be fine and be a cutie just like his father. We love ya'll too! Trying to get pics of him mom left us her camera. YAY!

GeekByMarriage said...

He'll get you DURING the diaper changes. Have to put the new diaper or rag over it to avoid a splash. Of course at 3am you'll forget and get sprayed in the face. Oh wait..that was me!