Tuesday, October 6, 2009

In the Hospital Again

I started having pains yesterday in my lower back (kidney area) and the top of my belly just under my ribs. I called Dr. Maher's office and the lady at the front desk told me to call Dr. Tucker's office since she is my primary OB. So I did and talked to a nurse.....told her about my pain and how hard it was to breathe.....she said she would call Maher to find out if my urine test came back thinking it might be a kidney infection. She called back and said she ordered an antibiotic just in case cause my labs hadn't come back in yet. So then I get a call from Maher's office saying that they want me to come in at 10:45 the next morning (I was originally scheduled for friday). Between then and this morning I had times where I wasn't in so much pain and then when I walked to Maher's office the pain really hit hard. I was out of breath, having a hard time breathing, and the pain was getting worse in my back and around to the top of my belly. The nurse took my blood pressure and it was 189/108 which is super high, I was shaking uncontrollably from the pain, and was so dizzy she had to practically hold me on the scale to get my weight. They gave me an ultrasound and a cervical check. They didn't tell me anything about if the baby had cord restriction or how the fluid around him was. She did say that the baby gained 6 ozs since friday so now he is 2lbs 12oz which was good news. His heart beat was good and he was moving lots. We got to see a really good shot of his face for the first time where we could see everything....he has the cutest chubby cheeks and tiny nose. (She forgot to give me the pic and I forgot to ask since I was crazy in pain). They gave me 200mg of a blood pressure medicine which really helped to bring my pressure down and also helped with the pain for a few. My cervix was fine...no dilation. Right after the ultrasound they rushed me up to the labor and delivery unit so I wasn't able to talk to Dr. Maher. They gave me an IV which took forever to get put in.....the nurse couldn't find my vein so she had another nurse try....they ended up wrapping my arm with a warm wet towel and I had to hang it off the bed for a few so they could get it in. Me and my crazy veins! I was about to have a panic attack when the nurse said she had to put a catheter in me. I never had one before and was soooo relieved that they didn't have to cath me the last time but freaking out over having it done this time. It was as bad as I thought it would be but can we say UNCOMFORTABLE! They put my urine bag on ice which I never have seen before. I was hooked up to all the same stuff as before.....monitoring the baby's heart and contractions and was given pain meds which really helped. I had to wait until my labs came back to find out what exactly they were gonna do. (The lab messed up my orders for the labs from friday so we had to get new samples and all that good stuff). There was no more protein in my urine thank goodness and my blood pressures were doing better. My platelets were low and my liver enzymes were high indicating preeclampsia. So I'm on total bed rest and now in a bigger nicer room in the postpartum unit. They took out my cath and I'm allowed to go to the bathroom now. I was just given a shot in my tushie to mature the baby's lungs and I'll get another one tomorrow. She just gave me another pain shot right when I started typing this update so sorry if this entry is all craziness. I don't know how long I'll be in here but will be able to talk to Dr. Maher tomorrow....I think I go back to get another ultrasound in the morning or afternoon. The baby is doing fine right now and they are gonna try to keep him in me as long as possible. We are just praying and hoping everything is gonna be fine. Thanks for all your support! Hope I put everything in here....kinda feeling loopy...I'll post more later.


GeekByMarriage said...

Thank goodness you're alright! I saw Krista's FB post and freaked so I called mom. She was napping when Ben called so knew nothing and she rushed to get a hold of him. Boo stupid veins! Yay for mature lungs! Man that sounds like the kind of kidney infections I get. Feels more like a heart attack!

Hand in there, sweetie!

Jessie said...

Thankies....yeah my veins suck. They are saying I don't have a kidney infection....they think its related to the preeclampsia.

GeekByMarriage said...

Ahhh gotcha! I hope your BP can be lowered through meds and they let you out of the hospital soon so you can do bed rest at home.