Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Doctor Udate Again

Dr. Maher just came in to talk to us. He said that the baby is doing good....his blood flow in the cord was still good but the fluid is still low. His abdomen is small due to the blood going more to his brain and heart (vital organs) and this is because of the cord restriction. He said that they still aren't sure if the cause of this is my dysautonomia, gall bladder stone ("big ass gall stone" were his exact words haha), or preeclampsia so he is keeping me in here till friday or over the weekend to watch the baby and my blood pressure. If it doesn't get better and he thinks it is the preeclampsia then I'll have to stay till the baby is born. If it gets better I get to go home on bed rest. He said that if the baby was 34-36 weeks he would just take him now but he wants to keep him in me for as long as possible. He gave me the lung maturity shots for him as a just in case they have to deliver me earlier. Thats all for now!

1 comment:

GeekByMarriage said...

How you feeling today, little momma?