Thursday, May 20, 2010

Gavin's Amazing Trick

Gavin is practicing to be a circus performer! lol I was letting him grab at the beach ball and he started grabbing it with his hands and feet. My little monkey! I just had to get it on camera.

Last night he slept in his crib all night long! Every time before last night when we would put him in his crib he would scream when he realized he wasn't in his bassinet. His bassinet is small so it doesn't allow him to turn over in the middle of the night. I was getting worried because he is 15lbs now so 5 more and he would be too big for his bassinet. I hope all goes well tonight in his crib.
Today he started putting his knees under his body while playing on his belly.....he is getting close to crawling! Ben and I were so excited when he did it. He mumbles mamammama now (I don't think he has linked it to me yet though but glad he is starting to say consonants) and he stretches out his arms to reach out for us to pick him up. He has had apples, peaches, bananas, pears, and sweet potatoes. His favorite is bananas.....he goes nuts for it grabbing at the spoon trying to shove it in his mouth. He has gone through his fruits now so its on to vegetables....I know I'm doing it backwards but wanted him to get use to opening his mouth and closing his lips around the spoon and its more likely he will like sweet fruits to encourage it.
He is still teething but no teeth! I hope they pop out soon! He gets sooooooo cranky when his mouth starts hurting. I know they have teething drops and pills but it has belladonna in it which is a poison so not gonna give him that even though everyone swears it works. We read on the Hylands teething drop website that a baby had a bad reaction to it but didn't state details only said how long they have been in business and blah blah blah. We are sticking to Tylenol and orajel.
Gavin is more demanding now than ever. He wants you to be with him all the time now. No more letting him play on his play mat and getting some cleaning done. He is going through the mommy and daddy leaving anxiety stage. When I start to get up off the floor to go to the bathroom he starts crying cause he knows I'm leaving. lol His face and cry is sooo cute you can't help but laugh when he does pitiful. I just love when he pokes out his bottom lip!

Here are the pics of him playing with his beach ball......enjoy!!!

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