Saturday, December 5, 2009

Gavin's Doctor Visit

Gavin saw his pediatrician and it was all good news. He was 5lbs 8oz and 18 inches long! He is a growing! She listened to his heart and didn't hear his usual loud PDA. So she thinks it might be closing or is closed. We won't know till the cardiologist sees him. He had a shot in each leg and some oral meds for his immunizations. He was a little fussy that night but no fever or anything. Here are some pics of him at home. Sooooo good to have him home! He is all wrapped up in his this thing! Makes swaddling so easy even Ben can do it! hahaha

1 comment:

MoDLin said...

I've been reading for a while and just wanted to say I'm so glad Gavin has come home and that he is doing well. I hope you continue to get good news about the PAD. Fantastic!