Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Teething Time!

Here is my little green goblin stuffing everything in his mouth he could possibly get his hands on. I felt a tooth wanting to come in on his bottom gums. He drools and drools and drools all over him, his clothes, me, his daddy, anything that comes in contact with him and everything goes into his mouth. Along with all this cuteness comes sleepless nights, bottles he doesn't want to drink, a little fever and a whole lotta temper! But he is just too squishy, cute and lovable even when he is screaming his little head off. I love my little boy!


Aunt Emmy said...

He's so cute in that little chair! Make sure you start putting baby-proof plugs in those outlets before he starts crawling!! LOL

Jessie said...

We will be doing that soon. No worries!