Sunday, March 21, 2010

Gavin Meeting the Family

Gavin and I went down south to my mom and dad's house so I can recover from gallbladder surgery. On the way down we stopped at Sebring for a visit with my Papaw, Uncle, Aunts, and my sister Mendy and her family. It was a ton of fun and Papaw was cracking us up with some of his old magic tricks. When we arrived at momma and papa's house the next day my sister Nickie and her family came over for a visit. Everyone enjoyed meeting Gavin and we had a great time. Here are some pics of the family meeting Gavin for the first time!

Katie feeding Gavin....I had just put make-up on her isn't she purdy!

Jake feeding Gavin

Jake and Katie were changing Gavin for the first time...they took turns changing his diaper and changing his outfits the night they stayed over. They love their little cousin!

Judy Ann couldn't wait to get her hands on Gavin.....she was making him smile and smile!

Papaw, Bailey, and Gavin

Gavin sleeping holding his little hands together.

This was taken at Olive Garden....Gavin's first official trip to a restaurant. He did crying until we got in the car..whew!

Katie holding Gavin for the first time....she was getting over a cold so she had to wear a mask.

Jake holding Gavin for the first time!

Nickie holding Gavin for the first time!

Jake couldn't wait to hold Gavin!

Nickie, Freddy (Nickie's fiance), Katie, and Jake sit around their new cousin/nephew.

Jake seeing Gavin for the first time...he had just walked in the door.

Papa holding Gavin when we finally arrived to their house.

Gavin smiled big for Aunt Emmy while she cooed and made funny faces at him.

Papaw holding his great grandson for the first time!

Mendy and Bay changing a pee pee diaper!

This was Bailey's first time holding a baby......she did a great job!

Mendy, Gene (Mendy's hubby), my mom, Bailey, & Gavin

Bailey holding Gavin for the first time! His face in this pic cracks me up!

Mendy holding and feeding Gavin for the first time!

Uncle Ray, Judy Ann, & Gavin

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